Weekly posting of letters between step brothers Paul and Joe, and brother-in-law Al and Joe. These letters are in various formats, and most are very fragile. Included in the weekly posts are any clippings or photographs found in the letter. Click on the letter or photograph to enlarge it.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

March 25, 1944

Click on the letter to enlarge it. Hit your browser's back button to return to the post, and click on the next page of the letter to enlarge.

This scrap of paper with an address was in the envelop with the V-Mail. There is no mention of it in the letter.

Text of the letter due to the difficulty in reading(even the original):

Dear Joe,

Your V written the 4th arrived several days ago and I was glad to hear from you once again. Your mail seems to make almost as good time getting here as some from home.

I've written you several letters since I've received your package, but I'd like to thank you again, Joe. The pen is a real honey and I've been offered small fortune for it because of the scarcity of pens here, but won't ever sell it. I didn't think it'd get here either after being on the way for so long, but there was a hell of a lot of  packages going through the States about the time yours went through.

Steve isn't around any more and I don't think I'll see him for the duration. He was transferred, but I don't know just where. I didn't see him very often, possibly three or four times since we've been here in England. He said his mother wrote all that stuff I mentioned. Where she picked up stuff like that beats me, but you know how it is.

I didn't stop in to see Sheppards while on furlough because I had my choice of either taking a local that stopped in Newcastle or a through that went straight to Edinburgh, so I went straight through. I don't imagine Jack would have been around anymore anyway.

We have movies here at camp twice a week. Some of them are quite recent, others not so new. There are several large theaters within walking distance of camp thought so we do get to see pictures before they are too old.  Then about once a month we have a Red Cross leg show. They're not bad at all. Most of the talent being American.

The weather here is about the same as we'd have at home in late April or May. Its really swell, warm and sort of lazy. The people here tell us that  it never gets too hot in mid summer. Probably about 80 degrees. I don't know if we'll be here that long, but it sure would be a change from the lst summer I spent in N.C. and Tenn.

Yes, I am salting away a little of the little I make. I have 12.50 deducted every month for bonds and also have a ten buck class E allotment. I don't think that tend buck allotment will save me much though cause I sent home for more that I have saved. I expect to make out another allotment soon.

I don't think our G2 gets too much film for development because of the shortage of film both here and at home. It's impossible to get film her and a lot of boys that sent home for it never got it. My film is being developed right now and I'll send you a few snaps as soon as I get them.

It's getting pretty late now so I'd better be signing off. Good luck, Joe, and write again soon.


To learn more about V-MAIL click the wikipedia link below:

Sunday, February 20, 2011

March 11, 1944

Click on the letter to enlarge it. Hit your browser's back button to return to the post, and click on the next page of the letter to enlarge.

Unfortunately, no photographs were found in this letter.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 28, 1944

Click on the letter to enlarge it. Hit your browser's back button to return to the post, and click on the next page of the letter to enlarge.
To learn more about V-MAIL click the wikipedia link below:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 16, 1944

Click on the letter to enlarge it. Hit your browser's back button to return to the post, and click on the next page of the letter to enlarge.

To learn more about V-MAIL click the wikipedia link below: