Weekly posting of letters between step brothers Paul and Joe, and brother-in-law Al and Joe. These letters are in various formats, and most are very fragile. Included in the weekly posts are any clippings or photographs found in the letter. Click on the letter or photograph to enlarge it.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

March 31, 1943

Click on the letter to enlarge it. Hit your browser's back button to return to the post, and click on the next page of the letter to enlarge.

I have included a photograph of the V-mail envelope with this posting.  In the future, the envelope will not be included as they all look the same.  If there is some variation or handwriting of note, it will be included.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

V-mail stands for Victory Mail. It was based on the similar British "Airgraph" system for delivering mail between those at home in the United States and troops serving abroad during World War II. V-mail correspondence worked by photographing large amounts of censored mail reduced to thumb-nail size onto reels of microfilm, which weighed much less than the original would have. The film reels were shipped by priority air freight (when possible) to the US, sent to prescribed destinations for enlarging at a receiving station near the recipient, and printed out on lightweight photo paper. These facsimiles of the letter-sheets were reproduced about one-quarter the original size and the miniature mail was delivered to the addressee.

For more information on V-mail:


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