Weekly posting of letters between step brothers Paul and Joe, and brother-in-law Al and Joe. These letters are in various formats, and most are very fragile. Included in the weekly posts are any clippings or photographs found in the letter. Click on the letter or photograph to enlarge it.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

April 8, 1944

Click on the letter to enlarge it. Hit your browser's back button to return to the post, and click on the next page of the letter to enlarge.

Text of the letter due to the difficulty in reading(even the original):

Dear Joe,

Your V written Mar 15th arrived a few days ago but the first paragraph was the only one legible. The rest of the letter is blurred due to some error in developing or printing. I can, however, make out the last sentence saying you received my letter acknowledging the receipt of your package.

I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of your airmail letter. I'll assure you Joe, any film service you get is better than ours. My roll has been gone for a month now. It'll eventually get here though and that is the best means of getting them developed since you can't send any home that aren't censored here.

Things here are pretty much the same. All routine stuff and I feel o.k. except for a bad tooth the dentist can't decide what is wrong with.

I sent Justine a letter asking her to buy mom something for Mother's Day. The P.X. took orders but prices didn't fit my cash on hand. So long and good luck.


To learn more about V-MAIL click the wikipedia link below:

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