Weekly posting of letters between step brothers Paul and Joe, and brother-in-law Al and Joe. These letters are in various formats, and most are very fragile. Included in the weekly posts are any clippings or photographs found in the letter. Click on the letter or photograph to enlarge it.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

France, May 4, 1945

Click on the letter to enlarge it. Hit your browser's back button to return to the post, and click on the next page of the letter to enlarge.

These letters were written on onion skin paper and are very fragile. I find it very interesting that both Paul and my dad would send type written letters. For years, the letters that I received from my dad were type written, and he would usually write them all cap. He would never sign them, just his typed name at the end of the letter. After reading these war letters, I wonder if that is where he learned to send letters in this fashion.

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